Austin Square is a Reformed Baptist Church that has faithfully preached the Word of God for over 100 years to the community of Lynn, Massachusetts.Mission
We are gathered to glorify our Sovereign God by exalting Him in worship, through making and maturing disciples for Christ, and faithfully serving our community in the power of the Spirit – all according to His Word.
1. Worshiping our Sovereign LORD in Spirit and in Truth – using the regulative principle from the Word.
2. Growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ through attending to purposeful biblical instruction and discipleship.
3. Connecting with one another in love as brothers and sisters in Christ, through serving together in ministry and enjoying biblical fellowship.
4. Evangelizing the greater Lynn community and abroad through proclamation of the Gospel that includes reaching across cultural, racial and social boundaries.

Join Us
- Authentic, Reverent Worship
- Biblical, Expository Preaching
- Personal Discipleship and Congregational Fellowship
- Committed to the Great Commission and Community Outreach
- Historic, Confessional Faith
Come Join Us
Upcoming Fellowship and Outreach

Currently on hold due to COVID 19.
Men are invited to come together to enjoy food, fellowship, and hear testimonies with other men from the Ryan House.
Wednesday Night Prayer
We're back in person at 6:30 PM at the church. Come for prayer and a study together.

Currently on hold due to COVID 19
Women's Study: Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM in Fellowship Hall
Men's Study: Meet in the church library at 12:30 PM
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.